IDF Diabetes Atlas

Data source: International Diabetes Federation

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The IDF Diabetes Atlas is intended to support the diabetes community in advocating for more action to identify undiagnosed diabetes, prevent type 2 diabetes in people at risk, and improve care for all people with diabetes. It also aims to support the development of high quality diabetes data in all countries and territories, in order to fill the gaps in knowledge that currently exist.

The 10th edition of the IDF Diabetes Atlas reports a continued global increase in diabetes prevalence, confirming diabetes as a significant global challenge to the health and well-being of individuals, families and societies.

Last updated by source: 2021-11-08

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• International Diabetes Federation. (2021). IDF diabetes atlas, 10th edn. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation.

Variables in this dataset:

   Proportion of diabetes-related deaths in people under 60 y (%)
QoG Code: idf_death

Proportion of total deaths due to diabetes before the age of 60 years, expressed as a percentage.

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   Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of diabetes (%)
QoG Code: idf_dia

Age-adjusted comparative diabetes prevalence (%) in adults 20–79 years.

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   Projected diabetes prevalence in 2030 (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_dia2030

Projected age-adjusted diabetes prevalence (%) among adults aged 20–79 for the year 2030.

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   Projected diabetes prevalence in 2045 (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_dia2045

Projected age-adjusted diabetes prevalence (%) among adults aged 20–79 for the year 2045.

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   Diabetes-related health expenditure per person
QoG Code: idf_hepp

Projected per capita diabetes-related health expenditure (USD) for 2030.

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   Projected diabetes-related health expenditure per person in 2030
QoG Code: idf_hepp2030

Projected per capita diabetes-related health expenditure (USD) for 2030.

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   Projected diabetes-related health expenditure per person in 2045
QoG Code: idf_hepp2045

Projected per capita diabetes-related health expenditure (USD) for 2045.

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   Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_ifg

Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) (%) among individuals aged 20–79.

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   Projected prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (%) among adults in 2030
QoG Code: idf_ifg2030

Projected age-adjusted prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) (%) among individuals aged 20–79 for 2030.

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   Projected prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (%) among adults in 2045
QoG Code: idf_ifg2045

Projected age-adjusted prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) (%) among individuals aged 20–79 for 2045.

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   Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_igt

Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) among individuals aged 20–79, expressed as a percentage.

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   Projected prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (%) among adults in 2030
QoG Code: idf_igt2030

Projected age-adjusted prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) among individuals aged 20–79 for 2030, expressed as a percentage.

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   Projected prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (%) among adults in 2045
QoG Code: idf_igt2045

Projected age-adjusted prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) among individuals aged 20–79 for 2045, expressed as a percentage.

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   Proportion of people with undiagnosed diabetes (%)
QoG Code: idf_undia

Proportion of individuals aged 20–79 with undiagnosed diabetes, expressed as a percentage.

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